GARY LISS | HOF Board Member

Chicago native, Gary Liss, has been a supporter of the Hall of Fame (HoF) for a long time. Gary recently joined the HoF Board with the goal of helping to reinvigorate the community. He has volunteered extensively over the past 25 years, serving on boards for Art Against AIDs, the Lincoln Park Lagooners (LPL), and Congregation Or Chadash.

Gary has worked for corporate America since ’85, with the opportunity to hone skills in business programs management, IT support and development, Human Resources, as well as serving as a diversity and inclusion leader across constituencies.

Gary’s formal education includes a Master of Business in Management and Human Resources from DePaul, a Bachelor of Science in Finance from Northern Illinois University, and a Professional Cookery Certification from Kendall College.

Aside from Gary’s volunteer and work efforts, he’s bowled on several Chicago-area LGBT+ bowling leagues, participated in two Gay Games, is an avid reader, gardener, amateur chef, yogi, architecture enthusiast and self-acclaimed Chicago-phyle.

Gary resides in Edgewater, with his African Grey Parrot, Otis.